Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mommy, I tooted in my underpants!

Well, potty training season has opened up in the Lewis house...and boy has it been busy. We started it off by going to the store, where Emelia proceeded to pick out her own underwear. Of course while we are in the isle I turn to get Alice some socks and turn back around to find 10 packs of underwear in our cart, with 3 torn open and underwear strewn about. But it was a success none-the-less, and Emelia was super excited about not wearing diapers anymore.

Only two accidents so far and I am chalking this up to the fact that my daughter is apparently a covets candy. The beloved gummy bunnies seem to be like toddler crack to Emelia and the kid is dropping her underpants every couple of minutes and squeezing out a ridiculous amount of pee...seriously, who can pee that much and still have pee coming out! Needless to say we have gone through almost an entire box of gummy bunnies in a 48 hour period; to the point where I have ordered them in bulk through Amazon today. This may help you visualize just how many times she is going just to get candy: she gets 1 gummy bunny when she pees, there are 12 bunnies in a pack, 5 packs in a box, and we only have 5 bunnies left!

At least there is pee in that potty, right?! Now if only we can get some of number 2 to find its way in there...I have a feeling that may take A LOT more gummy bunnies. The closest we have gotten to that is Emelia running into the kitchen and yelling, "Mommy, I tooted in my underpants!"

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